Membangun Kerukunan Antarumat Beragama:
Peran Strategis PAI dalam Meningkatkan Dialog, Toleransi dan Keharmonisan di Indonesia
PAI, Dialogue, Tolerance, HarmonyAbstract
In the context of a multicultural society, conflicts between religious adherents often give rise to tensions that disturb peace. This article involves literature research that examines the crucial role of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in forming an inclusive understanding of religion, overcoming prejudice, and building harmony between religious communities in Indonesia. From the perspective of dialogue, tolerance and harmony between religious believers, this article highlights the importance of integrating social and humanistic values in dynamic PAI teachings. Overcoming conflicts between religious communities begins by connecting Islamic beliefs with the principles of charity and noble morals in everyday life. Dialogue between religious communities and the introduction of the values of diversity are important focuses in creating an inclusive and harmonious environment. This article emphasizes the need for PAI to focus on forming good morals, deepening faith, and encouraging brotherhood between religious believers. With an inclusive approach, students are encouraged to understand and respect other religious beliefs, build space for dialogue, and overcome prejudice, thereby encouraging the growth of spirituality and faith within themselves. With an open, objective approach and strong values of tolerance, PAI has great potential in forming a generation that is tolerant, respectful and plays a positive role in a diverse society. This inclusive approach also plays a role in preventing extremism and violence which often arise due to lack of understanding of other religions.
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"Dekadensi Toleransi Beragama Indonesia di Mata Dunia". Diakses dari pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2023.
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