Internalisasi Akhlakul Karimah pada Peserta Didik di Era Modern
internalization, akhlakul karimah, StudentsAbstract
Instilling and fostering moral values in students is a fundamental thing that must be done by educators in schools so that students can be successful in education. The aim of this research is to focus on three things, namely (1) Forms of efforts to internalize morals by educators in the modern era, (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors for the success of students' internalization of morals in the modern era, and (3) Strategies and methods of educators in order to internalization of students' morals in the modern era. The method in this article uses library research, namely a method of collecting data by understanding and studying theories from various literature related to the research. The results of this research are that the act of having good morals is that they often provide motivation to have noble morals at all times, both at school, in the community and in the family environment. This form of motivation can take the form of praise and flattery if students can show good morals. Morals are very important to instill in students, especially young children, if they are motivated to carry out good morals then children will do it. Teachers motivate their students to have good morals through lectures and praise, because praise is a form of motivation.
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