Behaviorisme Pembelajaran Al-Qur'an Di Papua
Studi Kasus SDIT Al-Izzah, Kota Sorong
Al-Qur'an, Behaviorisme, Wafa Method, LearningAbstract
Learning the Koran in various educational institutions often uses a structural approach, where greater emphasis is placed on the system, rules and curriculum. There are not many analyzes of Al-Qur'an learning that emphasize the behavior of the actors involved, especially teaching staff and students. These two components really determine and support the success of the learning system and structure that is built, as implemented in SDIT Al-Izzah, Sorong City. The success of Al-Qur'an learning at SDIT Al-Izzah, Sorong City is more due to the behavioral factors of educators and students. This type of research is behavioral sociology, and field research methods in data collection. The theory used to analyze is the connectionism theory of Thorndike (1874-1948), which emphasizes that teaching and learning activities are connections between stimulus and response. Research findings: first, Al-Qur'an learning at Al-Izzah Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) Sorong City uses the "Wafa" method. Second, the implementation of the Wafa method was responded positively by teaching staff, by making learning plans while preparing themselves as capable and professional educators. Third, the Wafa method was also responded positively by students, showing high interest in learning. Meanwhile, adequate time allocation and a conducive learning environment are supporting factors for the success of the Wafa method; complement the dominance of the contribution of positive responses from educators and students.
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