Nilai Islami Pada Tradisi Massempe’ di Desa Mattoanging Kecamatan Tellusiattingge Kabupaten Bone


  • M. Zubaedy Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bone



Islamic Values, Traditions, Massempe


The massempe' tradition carried out by the people of Mattoanging village, Tellusiattinge subdistrict, Bone district, is a celebration party, a banquet of eating and drinking joy among the community members after they have harvested rice, as an expression of joy and gratitude to God Almighty for the success they have obtained through farming. By realizing the importance and role of the massempe' tradition in the context of preserving the noble cultural values of the Mattoanging village community, it is interesting to explore and understand the Islamic values contained in the ceremonies carrying out this tradition. One manifestation that can be seen from the implementation of the massempe' tradition is ceremonies related to the human life cycle. The method used is descriptive qualitative which aims to explore the Islamic values that exist in the massempe tradition. This research focuses on the implementation of massempe. The results obtained show that the Islamic values of the massempe' tradition are manifested in the form of religious (gratitude to God Almighty), deliberation, mutual cooperation, social, friendship, courage education, sportsmanship and physical education, which are the results of the reflections and thoughts of the community. mutually agreed to be used as a pattern of behavior in everyday life


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