Telaah Substansi Kurikulum PAI di Sekolah
Kurikulum PAI, schoolsAbstract
This article discusses the study of the substance of the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum in schools. The curriculum has a central role in the educational process, which determines the type, quality, knowledge and experience of students. However, the current implementation of the PAI curriculum tends to focus on mastering the material and pays less attention to aspects of developing students' cognition, affection and psychomotor skills.
This research uses literature study methods and content analysis to examine this issue from the perspective of ontology, epistemology and axiology of the PAI curriculum. Ontologically, the PAI curriculum must include balanced competencies between aspects of spirituality, intellectuality and morality. Epistemologically, the PAI curriculum needs to consider valid sources of religious knowledge and appropriate learning methodologies. As for axiological, the PAI curriculum must be oriented towards the formation of character and religious attitudes which have an impact on the behavior and lives of students.
Thus, a comprehensive review of the substance of the PAI curriculum is needed in order to produce graduates who are not only intellectually superior, but also have good spiritual maturity and morality.
Keywords: PAI curriculum, schools
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